This pandemi is darngerous particulary to people with several health issues, and also for healty people. No one knows whos next.
For your own security and also others: Stay home and stay safe.
I found out I had to make my own face mask.
Googled on internet and found out how they were made. Up and draw my own pattern for testing.
All the masks got lining inside.
All the masks got lining inside.
1. Attempt: not satisfyed at all. Big gaps on the cheeks, ans a hillarious jaw. Needs some redrawing.
2. Attempt. Looking good , but the elastic is too tight. Got some real cauliflower ears, right before my ears are ripped off...tji-hi..
But the mask could fit a child.
3. Attempt: the elastic is longer, same pattern as the second attempt. The mask is good to wear, and no ear ripping.
And for some extra protection , you can buy your own googles. Looks nice? hih-hi..
And of course I had to make a mask for my son too. Same pattern.
Note: I did wash the mask before I handeled it over to my son.
Take good care of each other.