
lørdag, september 04, 2010

My new photo model ;))

I got this little lady about 14 days ago , she is ca. 2,5 month old. She can really mess up everything, all the time ... yarn, curtains, tableclothes, wallpaper etc. etc. and want to play with everything... not much quiet knitting on me theese days..
It is not much sound of this little lady. She can`t talk loudly (luckily). When she tries to make a sound, it only comes out a quietly: hizz. If she could talk loudly, she would have been talking all day.... I`ll give her that: she tries to talk all the time...
Name suggestions anyone???

1 kommentar:

merete Isabell sa...

Vrangborg (Kjenner ei som heter Ingeborg, og når dun strikker er hun strikkeborg etc.) Vrangborg passer da til en liten puseunge som er litt vrang og ikke klarer å snakke skikkelig ;) Lille Vrangborg